Arweave 智能合约代码的规范

先是引用。然后是翻译。 以下英文引用自 warp docs Contract source code specification A contract source code MAY be written in ES module format. A contract source MUST contain function (sync or async) named handle. A contract source MAY use IIFE bundling format. The handle function MUST accept exactly two arguments: state and action The state argument MUST be

macOS 键盘鼠标相关工具

KeyCastr 按键可视化。例如录制视频教程时很有用,在屏幕上显示当前的按键。 也支持显示鼠标的操作。 开源、免费。 KeyboardCleanTool 暂时锁定键盘和触控板。比如暂时离开电脑时