vbs 打开『选择文件夹』对话框

打开 『选择文件夹』对话框,支持指定默认路径 Function SelectFolder( myStartFolder ) ' Version: 0.1.0 ' Updated: 2021-08-07 ' Standard housekeeping Dim objFolder, objItem, objShell ' Custom error handling On Error Resume Next SelectFolder = "" ' Create a dialog object Set objShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" ) Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder( 0, "

vbs 解析文件路径(文件名、扩展名、路径)

将传入的文件路径分割为路径、文件名、扩展名三部分。 dim example example="c:\windows\a.txt" Function get_file_parts(in_file) ' Version: 0.1.0 ' Updated: 2021-08-07 dim input_path,input_filename, ext_name, left_part_name input_path=Left(in_file, InStrRev(in_file,"\") - 1) input_filename=Right(in_file,Len(in_file)-InStrRev(in_file,"\")) ' msgbox input_path ' msgbox input_filename left_part_name=Left(input_filename, InStrRev(input_filename,".") - 1) ext_name=Right(input_filename,Len(input_filename)-InStrRev(input_filename,".")+1) get_file_parts=input_path & "," & left_part_name & "," & ext_name End Function msgbox get_file_parts(example) '

ffmpeg filter_complex 复杂多滤镜叠加

使用选项 -filter_complex 滤镜语法: filtername=option1=value1:option2=value2:option3=value3... 完整命令语法: ffmpeg -i 输入0 -i 输入1 -i 输入N -filter_complex "多滤镜组合表达式" output.mp4 其中多滤镜组合表达式语法思路是:[

Excel VBA 创建和关闭 Application 实例

创建 Excel 应用实例 'create new excel application object Set app = New Excel.Application 'set the applications visible property to false app.Visible = False '默认就是隐藏窗口。可以省略掉此行奢者 关闭 Excel 应用实例 'close the application app.Quit 'release outstanding object references Set app = Nothing